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Topic #235 -  sapere aude vs aura des sciences
    -  by JeanCrien 13/07/2019 @ 09:33
    - 0 answer
    - Topic read 4375 times

Topic #264 -  Nouveaux matériaux aux petits oignons
    -  by VeilleTech 31/10/2015 @ 11:45
    - 0 answer
    - Topic read 13033 times

Topic #37 -  info ou intox ?
    -  by DriveMeMad 04/08/2014 @ 19:59
    - 1 answer (by louPhoque on 22/01/2015 @ 12:53)
    - Topic read 9016 times

Topic #168 -  Pythagore visuel
    -  by PythaGore 25/10/2013 @ 14:59
    - 1 answer (by superQQ on 28/10/2013 @ 23:07)
    - Topic read 9702 times

Topic #255 -  plus inventifs que les spécialistes ...
    -  by AH 14/01/2012 @ 10:29
    - 1 answer (by RemiFado on 25/06/2012 @ 18:39)
    - Topic read 11820 times

Topic #265 -  RFID : un froid dans le dos hors réchauffement climatique
    -  by IdeesRF 13/02/2012 @ 15:52
    - 0 answer
    - Topic read 8790 times

Topic #258 -  faire couver le pire par les intelligents pour rassurer les paranos
    -  by Cocorico 23/01/2012 @ 13:26
    - 0 answer
    - Topic read 13078 times

Topic #257 -  ordi à 10 euros bricolé par des inconnus dans un garage ?
    -  by 01000111010 06/10/2011 @ 10:26
    - 1 answer (by hommeMage on 19/10/2011 @ 11:08)
    - Topic read 12963 times

Topic #263 -  réchauffement : une vue de l'esprit ?
    -  by ChaudMage 28/06/2011 @ 08:11
    - 0 answer
    - Topic read 16103 times

Topic #254 -  bientôt un ordi-prothèse de cerveau ?
    -  by Matrix 25/03/2011 @ 11:51
    - 0 answer
    - Topic read 7614 times

Topic #239 -  Découverte d'une nouvelle forme de vie ?
    -  by OmarVeille 03/12/2010 @ 12:10
    - 4 answers (the last one by beleJambe on 05/12/2010 @ 19:49)
    - Topic read 2840 times

Topic #234 -  sciences et techniques : partageons l'humilité !
    -  by peuHeureux 22/11/2010 @ 17:29
    - 1 answer (by JeanCerien on 23/11/2010 @ 17:12)
    - Topic read 10448 times

Topic #229 -  Benoît Mandelbrot vient de disparaître. Rendons-lui hommage
    -  by Gavroche 17/10/2010 @ 16:32
    - 0 answer
    - Topic read 9678 times

Topic #148 -  « L'informatique est une science »
    -  by VieuxPot 20/04/2009 @ 18:49
    - 4 answers (the last one by SapereAude on 15/09/2010 @ 13:31)
    - Topic read 17545 times

Topic #193 -  L'HYPOTHESE GAIA : jeu pédagogique
    -  by Gaga2Gaia 30/12/2009 @ 16:43
    - 1 answer (by AntiGagateux on 31/12/2009 @ 17:39)
    - Topic read 13479 times

Topic #39 -  Banalisation des abus de jugements péremptoires et problèmes éthiques
    -  by zinzin 13/12/2007 @ 19:01
    - 3 answers (the last one by derangeMent on 29/12/2009 @ 14:54)
    - Topic read 14678 times

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